Saturday, June 6, 2009

Growing up WAY too fast

Hangin' in the backyard while Hailey swims.

STANDING in his crib.

Gooping herself...thanks Hailey.

Crazy drivers.

Preppy man in his pocket tee.

He loves the water.

Pulling up, such a big boy with such tiny feet!

Mommy is madly in love.
And for his grand finale....

It may not be graceful...but fat boy is mobile!


Jared said...

Sunblock goop is hilarious! And that was quite a commando crawl! He's getting big!

Debbie said...

Oh my - how could you not be totally head over heals?! He is absolutely beautiful and looks like so much fun. I can't wait to experience the boyness of it all soon :-)

Malinda said...

I thought you said Hailey was gRoping herself!
I was just thinking last night about the fact that P.Diddy was going to be one soon. Time FLIES. So lucky that you have two super good helpers when it comes to moving day!
We miss you guys. So sad that we wont even get to meet Mr. Man until he's..? 12? 40?
Tell Jona that you need to be in Miami for either Thanksgiving or Christmas. I'll be there this year!

Gammy said...

Gammy votes for Thanksgiving AND Christmas!!!