There are big things happening here in the Maupin household. Things that have been in the works for months but for some reason I haven't blogged about it. The only reason I can come up with for that is my need for denial as a defense mechanism...I use it to keep me sane- does that make me crazy??
So the big news around here is...we are moving to ARIZONA!! Yep, this Florida girl is headed to the great South West, desert land, scorpions, cactus, a severe lack of grass, adobe houses, etc, etc, etc. Jona's contract with Vanderbilt ends this month so he spent the Fall sending out resumes and interviewing all over the country. He was offered every job he was flown out to interview for- such a smart guy- and Arizona State University made the best offer. This is THE job. The one he has been working towards. The department is very impressive, the potential for research and advancement is ideal, and he can't be more excited...and nervous!
We leave Nashville in the beginning of July. YIKES! That's right around the corner. While I'm not the biggest fan of change, I really am very excited about this move. I very knowingly gave myself the month of May to live in denial and decided that June 1st I would allow the panic to set in. But it hasn't. Not yet. I'm trying very hard to keep myself positive and remember what a great move this is for our family. So, I've started packing. One box a day until my parents arrive July 1st to take the kids and let us pack til we drop.
That's our skinny. Moving on up...or over I guess. Send me great stories about Arizona (the Phoenix/Tempe area to be more specific) and tell me how much you loved the time you spent there :) And if you feel the need to pack a box or two, come on over!
We'll be there before you know it and the kids and grandparents will cheer you on while you two pack....cheering from afar that is!According to Hailey, we'll live in the pool! Can't wait!! Much love!
Congrats on the big move! Change is scary, especially such a big change, but at the same time it's exciting. So many new things to explore, new people to meet. I'll look forward to hearing all about it once you're settled over there and get back into blogging mode :-)
Hi Leslie,
My parents moved to Arizona after my first year in college; my father is a professor at Arizona State. It is HOT--a different heat than Miami (like a hair dryer blowing in your face), but pools abound. Tempe experienced a huge housing boom, but the bubble burst a while ago, making prices much more reasonable.
My mom subbed for a while at some schools, so if you have any questions about areas/schools, let me know.
Holy cow! Congrats to Jona and to you all! That is really awesome!
So, I guess we will have to put that dinner at Opry Mills with the kids on hold for a decade or two! Had I known this a few months ago I would have overdosed on Dayquil to come out and see you guys! Dangit!
Congrats again to you all!
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