In our yard there lives a rooster. A real rooster. But not just any rooster. We have a mentally challenged rooster that is the spawn of Satan himself. At first it was funny. Strange. Amusing. Now it is horrifying. Terrible. Makes me think evil thoughts.
The rooster first appeared in our neighborhood in February. My Dad and I were driving home from Publix and Dad said "Is that a rooster under that car?" as he pointed to the driveway at the end of our street. And yes, yes indeed, it was a rooster...in South Nashville...nowhere near farmland...under a Range Rover. Since that day we have had more than one nighttime temperature below freezing and multiple severe storms, some that caused major damage in neighboring areas. But Satan's Spawn is strong. He remains. He is not one to be brought down by simple acts of nature.
I fed him once, I think in March. I gave the turd some old bread, I didn't invite him to move in. But I think he misunderstood my intentions. For a few months now he has inhabited the magnolia bush that grows two stories high between our house and the neighbor's. And I hate him. I hate him so much that I am rethinking my anti-hunting, anti-gun outlook.
This brings us to the animal's clearly diminished mental capacity. Maybe its just a story we tell our children, that roosters crow when the sun rises. But my stupid rooster starts his cockle-doodle crap at about 3:30 every morning and then, as though he has a snooze button, 'goes off' every 10-20 minutes for a couple of hours. Seriously. Every morning. Right outside my bedroom window. Could it be possible that I am not sleep deprived enough?!? Are you kidding me?
Animal control has been called but they can't catch him. We've tried to chase him away. I no longer put out bird seed. The neighbors trimmed the bush. We talk smack about him all day long. A crazy dude who lives across the street chased the stupid bird for hours trying to hit him with a snow brush...really??? I even tried to run him over with my car. Satan is strong. His spawn is resilient and not easily defeated. And now he is punishing me by pacing on my back fence crowing until his throat his hoarse and pooping all over the swingset. This is not a normal problem to have. My life is entirely too busy and chaotic to deal with this sort of ridiculousness. Fried chicken anyone?
Seriously...there is a rooster in my yard...and I hate him.
You should share the story of Jona and Hailey chasing the rooster in the backyard while we were on the phone...Hailey runs in and says " No chicken tonight Mom!" I laughed for hours!
You'll be moving in a month ...just make sure you don't pack him up for the ride to Arizona...although Satan's spawn may survive the trip!
LMAO!!! I'm so sorry you guys have been dealing with such a little sh_t! Ugh - it's the 3:30 in the morning crap that would have done me in a loooooong time ago. That totally sucks :-( As soon as you get him, plan a BBQ.
I read this yesterday and had nothing to say about it. Then last night as I listened to the neighbor's St. Bernard/Tyrannasaurus Rex baying at the moon, I suddenly understood.
I am so sorry for your suffering. Maybe God just knew you needed a little push towards excitement for moving and packing and etc.
Rat poison in the bird seed never fails.
I feel for you. I don't care much for birds to begin with...I would have to bring out my old Red Ryder BB gun on him.
Leslie, oh my goodness I have not laughed so hard in a long time (sorry). Antonina kept coming over and saying, "Mama, what you doin'?!?" because I just couldn't stop. Have you ever seen "Failure to Launch"? There is a mocking bird in that movie that must be somehow related to your rooster :). Though I've never had a similar problem, I know it would drive me to drink. I hope he goes away (or has an unfortunate accident) soon!
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