Monday, June 29, 2009

More conversing...

Hailey in the car on our way home from an outdoor concert last night...

"Dad, you make me want to pull all my hair out of my head, and mom you make me want to scream."

Seriously, I have to remember that she takes in and repeats EVERYTHING I say!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Conversations with Hailey

Sitting at the table eating lunch...

Hailey: "Mama, I have the perception of animals in trouble and they think I am an animal rescuer but they don't realize that I am only pretending."

Me: "Did you just use the words perception and realize correctly in a sentence?"

Hailey: "Yep, pretty sure I did."


In the car...

Hailey: "What does operated mean?"

Me: "What?"

Hailey: "What does operated mean?"

Me: "It depends on the context."

Hailey: "What does context mean?"

Me: "They way you use a word in a sentence."

Hailey: "This station is owned and operated by..."

This girl doesn't miss a beat.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Birthday Angel



Born June 20, 2009 at 4:50 pm

6lb 8oz

19 3/4 inches


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Life changes...everything

There are big things happening here in the Maupin household. Things that have been in the works for months but for some reason I haven't blogged about it. The only reason I can come up with for that is my need for denial as a defense mechanism...I use it to keep me sane- does that make me crazy??

So the big news around here is...we are moving to ARIZONA!! Yep, this Florida girl is headed to the great South West, desert land, scorpions, cactus, a severe lack of grass, adobe houses, etc, etc, etc. Jona's contract with Vanderbilt ends this month so he spent the Fall sending out resumes and interviewing all over the country. He was offered every job he was flown out to interview for- such a smart guy- and Arizona State University made the best offer. This is THE job. The one he has been working towards. The department is very impressive, the potential for research and advancement is ideal, and he can't be more excited...and nervous!

We leave Nashville in the beginning of July. YIKES! That's right around the corner. While I'm not the biggest fan of change, I really am very excited about this move. I very knowingly gave myself the month of May to live in denial and decided that June 1st I would allow the panic to set in. But it hasn't. Not yet. I'm trying very hard to keep myself positive and remember what a great move this is for our family. So, I've started packing. One box a day until my parents arrive July 1st to take the kids and let us pack til we drop.

That's our skinny. Moving on up...or over I guess. Send me great stories about Arizona (the Phoenix/Tempe area to be more specific) and tell me how much you loved the time you spent there :) And if you feel the need to pack a box or two, come on over!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Growing up WAY too fast

Hangin' in the backyard while Hailey swims.

STANDING in his crib.

Gooping herself...thanks Hailey.

Crazy drivers.

Preppy man in his pocket tee.

He loves the water.

Pulling up, such a big boy with such tiny feet!

Mommy is madly in love.
And for his grand finale....

It may not be graceful...but fat boy is mobile!