Two weeks ago, Hailey and I took a vacation. We only traveled 10 miles south, but it was a much needed reprieve. Jona had traveled every week for the four weeks prior to our escape, and not having had a real night of sleep since Parker was born, I was on the edge...of reason, of a meltdown, of my sanity. Hailey has been in prime three year old form as of late, (I mean that as both a good and hideously terrible thing) and we were having a tough time getting along with each other. So I decided we needed a vacation. So I found a great deal at a nearby hotel and off we went.

There was a fabulous king size bed covered in a down comforter with a multitude of fluffy, feather filled pillows, but she liked "exercising" on the floor with these. Whatever works.
Jona and Parker drove us down and played for a little bit before we had our girls night out.

We had a little photo shoot on the bed. I mean seriously, do you just love this face??

The main reason I chose this particular hotel was the INDOOR POOL!!! Parker looked mighty fine in his surfer dude attire.

And Hailey is pretty cute herself. Gotta love that face too :)

In the elevators the floors were filled with oily stuff so when you stepped on them you left a print. Totally entertaining for young and old alike.

The pool room had one wall that was solid windows to the great,
incredibly freezing, totally nasty outdoors. It was in the 30s I think, and raining and gross. But we were warm and toasty and very humid. They had this awesome half circle chair/couch with this huge wicker back. I took a lot of pictures on it. I love the way Parker is checking out his big sister in this one. He thinks she is the coolest kid ever to walk the planet earth. She doesn't have to do anything but be in the room with him and he laughs hysterically. It will be interesting to see how that plays out in later life. She is a rather cool chick.

Parker's first dip. And he loved it. Kicked his feet, flapped his arms, had a grand ole time. His skin didn't like it very much I'm sad to say, but that is what
Aquafor is all about.

Dang we're cute!

Why am I the only one looking at the camera in every picture with my children??

Post swim play time must always involve one's feet. I can't even touch my toes and he can suck on his.

Put a fork in him, he is D-O-N-E! The Little Man slept for 4 hours after his swim. Gotta love the pool.

And Hailey and I were left to our own devices. In her lap is a container of Ben & Jerry's Cookie Dough ice cream, and a strawberry-banana smoothie. Dessert of champions. We munched out and watched The Tale of
Despereaux on our flat panel
tv hanging on the wall. Adorable movie. When it was over, no nap girl was ready to fall on her face. I tucked her in and snuggled next to her and watched her quickly fade out. She slept like a rock...directly in the middle of the bed.

This is Hailey after a great night of sleep....

and mommy after my first night of uninterrupted slumber in who knows how many months between being pregnant and having to tinkle every 2 hours, to then waking up with Parker. Dear lord it felt good. Hailey took this one, not too shabby. But seriously, what is it going to take to get rid of the circles under my eyes??
We swam again that morning and played a little before Hailey's meltdown over having to check out. If we're being honest, I had a little meltdown too, I just didn't let the people in the lobby see it!
And one of Parker's newest tricks...

DAAAAAA!! Goodness gracious this boy is cute.
PS- We went for his 6 month check up this week and he is now 26 1/4 inches and 16 lbs 13.5 oz. Not such a little man anymore.
We want to go on your next vacation with you. It looked like lots of fun. Hailey looks so big. And she is really pretty. Of course budda boy is quite dapper himself.
I understood the complete meltdown part, but could you explain the "uninterupted night of sleep"?
We have yet to enjoy a restful night in a hotel with Hanna, but it looks like you guys had a great time!
So, when are you and the family (and maybe the Walshes) going to make it down to Disney World? I'd love to get all the kids together at some point. I'm sure they wouldn't get into any trouble at all...
Hey Leslie! I got your blog addy from my mom (Sandy) I really enjoyed reading about your girls vaca, what a great idea.
Everyone looks happy and healthy, so glad for you.
God bless,
Jen Milne (Sandy & Frank's daughter)
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