Saturday, February 28, 2009

Big Man

Parker is growing so quickly it is amazing. I thought time flew by with Hailey, but this is ridiculous. I swear it was just yesterday that he was a newborn and we were struggling to get into a routine with a new addition. Now he is almost 6 months old! Crazy.

He outgrew his baby tub and now gets to splish splash in Hailey's tub. She isn't so sure about sharing that space with him, so last night she jumped in too. I think she feels better now that she realizes that he only gets about 2 inches of water and no toys!

We brought the exer-saucer down about a week ago and he loves it! I would say Parker's only complaint is that he can't get all the gadgets in his mouth.

We started oatmeal last week and it is NOT going well. Please note the tongue thrusting in all these pictures. I really don't think a single grain has been swallowed!

The third night we tried it, Parker discovered his tongue. Now he just sticks it out when he sees the spoon coming and creates a blockade of sorts. I think we will give up for a little bit, stick with the boob juice for now, and try again in another week. I mean, obviously the kid ain't starving (please refer back to the thigh rolls in the first picture!!).

1 comment:

Gammy said...

Oh that precious little boy!! He's getting so big! Miss you all greatly!! Gammy/MOM