The main reason I chose this particular hotel was the INDOOR POOL!!! Parker looked mighty fine in his surfer dude attire.

In the elevators the floors were filled with oily stuff so when you stepped on them you left a print. Totally entertaining for young and old alike.

Parker's first dip. And he loved it. Kicked his feet, flapped his arms, had a grand ole time. His skin didn't like it very much I'm sad to say, but that is what Aquafor is all about.

Dang we're cute!

Why am I the only one looking at the camera in every picture with my children??

This is Hailey after a great night of sleep....

We swam again that morning and played a little before Hailey's meltdown over having to check out. If we're being honest, I had a little meltdown too, I just didn't let the people in the lobby see it!
And one of Parker's newest tricks...