Saturday, March 8, 2008

Snowy Saturday

We had quite the snowfall last night. It started at about 8:30pm and was still falling this morning. I'd say we got about 4 inches, which is perfect for playing! Of course, Hailey doesn't have any snow clothes, so we had to layer her up to prevent her from getting wet to the core, but she didn't mind.

We started out sledding down our little hill in the backyard. It isn't much of an incline but her 90th percentile in weight was enough to propel her along :)

Then we headed out front to build a snowman. Of course, Jona did all the actual building while Hailey ate the snow off her gloves and I took pictures. I think thats a perfectly fair work arrangement!

The grand finale was snow angels. Most kids would love rolling around in the snow. My dainty little princess however was totally stressed out about getting covered in the white stuff and after the angels were complete she promptly announced it was time to go inside. After a snowball fight on the back deck, we stripped off our wet clothes at the door and defrosted in the heat with some hot chocolate and marshmellows. Gotta love it :)

1 comment:

Gammy said...

I want the snow angel picture! I'm so proud of Jona for showing Hailey how to do it!! Now they're experts! I don't think The Chris Perrins had enough snow to do it...too bad! Gammy/Mom