That's right folks, the Maupin clan is growing! Or is it just my belly that seems astronomically large these days?!I'm only 13 weeks and I feel HUGE! This is definitely different from my first pregnancy. Clearly my body has experience and is now more than happy to expand at an alarming rate.
We are due September 13th. A lovely day when you can ignore the fact that I am going to be the size of a house in August when it was 106 degrees last summer. We are all super excited, especially Hailey who doesn't really understand but nonetheless gets quite a kick out of yelling "hello" to the baby in my belly- through my belly button of course, the porthole to all babies :) Luckily she and I are having similar experiences as she is carrying Mickey Mouse in her ever growing belly, just ask her. Frequently we have to be belly button to belly button so the two little ones can talk. Its quite a moment!
I have finally stopped throwing up (one week and counting since my last barforama) which thrills me to no end. Tossing your cookies is a lot less enjoyable with a toddler standing next to you with her head over the toilet mimicking every sound you make. She calls it my "cough-cough-spit" and she does a great rendition. Then she tries to wipe my nose, which I know she means to be helpful but having a wad of toilet paper shoved up your nose while you are still heaving is just a little distracting! But I'm all better now. I have passed that glorious 12 week mark and haven't thrown up since. Do a little dance of joy baby!!
We will be accepting name suggestions for boys and girls as we found that the most challenging part of having Hailey. And of course, her name is just too perfect so how can we possibly live up to that?!?!
Growing..its all a little scary while being totally exciting. So- here we go!
I guess The Perrin girls will continue their record of having big babies! Remember Chloe was 9lbs.8 oz.! So glad you're feeling better and can start actually enjoying the pregnancy experience.
Gammy and Bampa are over the moon!
Hey, Leslie...I can't tell you how much fun I've had reading your funny messages. I also enjoy the pictures, but your writting is hillarious. Yes, I went through being similar experiences being pregnant with baby #2 while having a toddler around. I don't know if you remember who I am...it's Karla from days who later became a PCF.
Congratulations on baby # 2!! Hailey will make a wonderful big sister, I can already tell. Glad to hear you are feeling better. I can't even imagine having to deal with morning sickness while chasing Liam around. Give Hailey a kiss from us. Miss you guys. I will let the others in the playgroup know the wonderful news.
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