Saturday, August 8, 2009

She doesn't ever stop...not even for a minute

Me: "Do you remember the little girl at the mall?"
Hailey: (gesturing flamboyantly with her hands) "Oh yeah, she was totally upset and being very unpleasant to her daddy."
Me: "Did you just age a year?"
Hailey: "Mom, I remember things. And it totally bums you out."
She does remember things, a lot of things. Sadly those things rarely include what I have asked her to do or told her not to do.
While driving to IKEA and listening to a toddler sing a long CD...
Hailey: "Mom, its Bobley Marlin singing."
Perhaps this is Bob Marley's wife, I'm not entirely sure, but there was a lovely woman singing. Stir it up little darlin', stir it up.
And then there are conversations with Parker...
Me: "Good morning precious little man."
Parker: "Dadadadadadada."
Me: "No P. Diddy, Mamamamama."
Parker: "Dadadadadada."
Me: "Dude, just try it. Mamamamama"
Parker: "That."
Parker: "Hailey."
Me: "Good night."