Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

We spent Thanksgiving here in Nashville. And let me toot my own horn by saying that I cooked THE ENTIRE DINNER MYSELF! We had turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet potato casserole, green bean casserole, creamed onions, cranberry, rolls, and sparkling apple cider. Ok, I didn't make the cider but I refrigerated it, I didn't can the cranberry but I put it in the pretty bowl, and I didn't let the yeast rise for the rolls but I did bake them. And it was all pretty good. I learned a few things from my first turkey: a) don't believe everything you read on the internet. Slow roasting a turkey doesn't work even though the author said it was "the very best way to cook a turkey ever." b) 9 pounds is entirely too much turkey for 3 people, especially when one of those people is 2 years old and only likes a food for a matter of minutes. c) there is more than one body cavity you must search for totally gross and completely creepy baggies of turkey insides. I am convinced that the extra bag of giblets negatively effected my cooking time thus slightly over cooking and drying the turkey. Seriously, THREE bags of nastiness, who knew?!

Hanging out on the couch while the turkey cooks itself.
Hailey dressed herself for the special day.

Parker thought she looked hysterical.

A Maupin family Turkey day.

Parker may not sit at the table, but he sure did look cute and I'll be feeding him turkey later!

Such a big boy! Hailey has entered the room in this picture so Parker will no longer look at me. That big sister of his is a riot!

Hailey would only eat turkey, refused to even try the side sad. But the large amount of turkey she ingested knocked her out and she was in bed by 7:30. Got to love that tryptophan!!


Gammy said...

Sounds like a perfect day which could have only been better by taking place in Miami! We missed you all! The children look wonderful and Parker is getting bigger by the minute! Need to plan a trip soon! MOM/GAMMY

erica said...

Yeah, I definitely thought there was only one bag too...Couldn't they just put all the nastiness in ONE bag Geez!

Jared said...

Great pics! Me and Terri and Hanna kept it small too. Just the three of us. It's interesting how we start to develop our own traditions being so far from our families.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Kristy said...

Congratulations on your first solo Turkey dinner! Sounds like it was a wonderful day for the party of 4! Love you!