Monday, September 1, 2008

Cruel Joke

Ok, so just kidding. Apparently, today is not D-Day (delivery day of course). My midwife called this morning to inform me that the attending physician who is on call today was refusing to perform my scheduled cesarean because I am 38 weeks 3 days, not 39 weeks. Now lets be fair, he offered to do it if I would first consent to an amniocentesis to confirm lung maturity. Cause really, what I want in addition to my spinal anesthesia and major surgery is a ridiculously long needle inserted into my belly. Sounds like a rockin' good time. So, obviously we did not agree with that, which leaves us with the only option of rescheduling for when I turn 39 weeks, which will be this Saturday. We are the first section that day, 9:30am which is nice because I won't be nearly as hungry at that time, and it means that the little man has another week to grow and who knows, maybe he'll turn around...positive thinking, positive thinking.

So, for all of you who sang happy birthday over your cheeseburgers and hot dogs at lunch time, thank you. Consider it a dress rehearsal and lets meet again Saturday over coffee and danishes :)


Kristy said...

Well, ya know, 9-6-08 will be a cooler birthday anyway. I don't know why, really, but Dr. Five Days Really Does Make a Difference has left us no choice! Love you guys.

The 4 Moore's said...

Change in plans for the delivery day, a few more days in the warm wonderful world of mom. Love you all and thinking of you! And love Hailey's dance videos - she and Lilah should get together, Lilah dancing looks like she's stomping on ants! Love you!

Debbie said...

Cruel, yes, very cruel. But, you're right, maybe he'll turn around by Saturday! I'll be sending positive turn wishes your way :-)

Jared said...

Good luck on Saturday! I hope all is well.

You miss these hurricanes don't you? Admit it. And don't think I haven't heard every joke and reference in the world about tropical storm Hanna. It's even spelled the same!

Be thinking of you! Be well.