Sunday, July 27, 2008

Hailey's Newest Talents

Just another lazy Sunday morning in Nashville. Hailey shows off her newest gifts on our bed.

She is so graceful isn't she?!

Her god given gymnastic talent was a suprise to all of us. Especially considering I can't even touch my toes.

And she LOVES to get her grove on...and "give her big fanny a slap!" I have no idea who teaches her these things :) What must they think of us at school?!


Kerri Ireland Kairdolf said...

omg that is hilarious so glad you caught that on video. she is quite the little ham. thanks for sharing.

Kristy said...

well that is quite possibly the best rendition of apple bottom jeans i've seen! and the fanny slap - WOW!!! tears still in my eyes....

kim said...

omg that fanny smack is great if it wasn't so late at night here I'd be laughing hysterically...but mikes and bryce are asleep so I'm doing it quietly.

Malinda said...


Do you think she can teach me some moves?

Debbie said...

Hailey can definitely get her groove on. Lovin' the fanny slap as well :-D

Jared said...

Great stuff. She is looking more like you now I think.

Gammy said...

Of course the dancing gift comes from her MOM! I thought two year olds sang nursery rhymes! Can't wait to see you all! Gammy
Thank you for the wonderful art work!