Our friends from Miami, Deborah, Alex, and Ben Christensen, came to visit their family in Nashville for Christmas so they spent the day before with us making cookies for Santa. I am still finding flour and sprinkles which obviously means it was fun!!

Christmas Eve at church with dad and then home to open one present.

This Santa guy ROCKS!
I don't know what you're talking about. I am NOT spoiled!
Isn't this what dump trucks are for??
Happy 2nd B-Day Hailey Elizabeth
Oh-- and Happy New Year too :)

I don't know why you bother buying me presents, these balloons are all I really need.Oh man, I need a moment.
My own little escape. (Dad thinks its pretty cool too!)
Holy cow, I am now officially THE coolest kid in the neighborhood!! THANK YOU GAMMY, GRAMPY, GRANDMA, & PAPA!!!

I think Mommy looks pretty good on my first bike, the Dream Dazzler.
To watch Diego, or go to Chuck E Cheese...should I stay or should I go??
Go ahead and try to tell me that I'm not the cutest Birthday Princess you have ever seen.
To Chuck E Cheese!

Kentucky Derby here I come!
You don't mind if I lick that do you?!
What an amazing couple of weeks this has been. So many new toys to play with, so much sugar, no naps, complete over stimulation...can't wait to do it again next year. And to top it all off- it snowed for her birthday. Now this is extreme swinging...

Her outfit is adorable and I love her tummy sticking out above the tutu! The swingset looks fabulous...great assembly job Dad!!I think she has enough loot to keep her busy through January! Mom/Gammy
Happy Birthday Hailey!!
I must say she is the cutest thing ever!! Wish we could have there for all the fun at Chuckie Cheese!!
Miss you all!!
Aunt Aimee & Uncle Chris
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