I'm sorry I've been so lazy about updating the blog, but life has been a little chaotic. Jona made it home from Mexico without amoebas and without fleas so all in all a safe return. Carol Ann arrived after my parents left to continue the grandparent spoiling of Hailey and we had a great week together before Daddy came home. Then Tony arrived a few days later and stayed to play until last Friday. Hailey had such a fun time with all the grandparents, I'm not sure that Jona and I are entertaining enough for her anymore!
So since I haven't updated in so long, this post will include lots of pictures. We start with a Diego

reading session with Grandma her first morning in Nashville. Diego has completely consumed our lives, and although I often feel terrible that she is watching what feels like an endless amount of television, I can honestly say that she is learning from him. She can now count to 10 in english and in spanish, and knows an amazing number of spanish words and uses them appropriately. Her spanish vocabulary is just about as good as mine at this point!

The next pic just cracks me up because Hailey was quietly playing in her room when I walked in and found this scene. Please note that every baby doll has her own blankie, book, and cell phone...what else could a girl need?!?

Daddy's arrival home means lots and LOTS of running, playing and tickling! It really is astounding how much weight these children's toys can hold! This particular car was purchased with love from Gammy and Grampy and sings a variety of lovely, catchy, sing along tunes that are oh-so-fun to hear over and over and over again. When you hit the horn button it honks, next time it whistles, and then it plays what we refer to as her 'travelin music'. Whenever she is pushing you or she is being pushed, the movement must stop until she hits the button enough times to find her theme song.

Which brings us to Christmas tree shopping. We went to a little market just down the road from our house and picked out our tree in a matter of minutes. That is absolutely unheard of for us. It usually takes us multiple trips and at least one large argument to purchase a tree and get it in the house. No fighting this time. Walked onto the lot, picked the third tree we looked at, got it home, put Hailey to bed, got the tree in the house, adjusted it once, and VOILA- Christmas arrived in Nashville! Amazing. Hailey came out into the family room the next morning and stood in awe and said, "Mom, its beautiful." No lights or ornaments required, just a really cool tree in her house is all the girl needs. Decorating has also been fun. We put all the breakable ornaments on the top half so little hands wouldn't get to them, so the tree is rather top heavy. But we left a bunch for Hailey to hang and she did a fabulous job. She took so much time to find just the right place for each one and couldn't hang any of them until they got a hug and a kiss. She really is just too

Well, that's enough for now. I'll try to do better, especially with Christmas, New Years, and her birthday rapidly approaching. And never fear, although we won't be with the rest of our families this year, Hailey will be more than adequately spoiled rotten :) Love to all.
Merry Christmas, Perrin & Maupin families!
I want that precious picture of her in front of the tree! What a precious and beautiful little girl!! We will miss you at Christmas but know that Santa will find you in Nashville! Much love, MOM/Gammy
Wow Magoo looks like she has grown up so much. I'm sure Christmas will be wonderful! We are all heading to Rick & Mef's for the big day and my kids are all excited about the presents and family time, but more importantly (per Marshall) he can't wait to play with Luca and the Wii. Big hugs & kisses to all. Don't forget to tell Magoo to put out plenty of milk, cookies and carrots for Santa and his reindeer. Love, Auntie Kari
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