The heat wave ended, or so we thought...that is until Hailey and I hit the park today at 10:45am and rapidly dehydrated in the mid-morning heat. It was 98 degrees. My poor little girl's cheeks were like cherry tomatoes within 3 minutes! But despite the oppressive weather, we were able to have a smashing good time on the swings and slide. And then there is always time for a dip in the pool! 

This afternoon Jona gave me the afternoon for myself. So, of course, I went to the mall. But I didn't go to just ANY mall, I went to the Opry Mills Outlet Mall...aka Mecca for the frugal shopper. I was able to keep my wits about me however, and didn't buy much. Instead I opted for a movie and took myself to see the Bourne Ultimatum. Great movie, lots of action, fast paced...alone with popcorn. It was great. The only downfall was that I went to a few shops after the movie and then couldn't find my way back to the entrance where I parked and ended up walking the entire mall which took almost 30 minutes. Which I guess doesn't seem like a very long time, but think about how far you can walk when you are cruising with a purpose for 30 minutes...it was REALLY far let me tell you. Nonetheless, it was a fun outing by myself and I came home fully salted and buttered. Livin' it up here in Nashville.
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