Well, our trip to Hawaii was smashing! Everyday was filled with sunshine, ocean breezes, time with people we love, fun activities, and the occasional fruity drink with an umbrella to finish the day. Really, it was terrific. We spent the first week with our friends Amanda, Bill, and Baby Lilah on Oahu. They were wonderful tour guides, and I think we were able to cover most of the island with the little girlies in tow. I am happy to report that Hailey loved Lilah, and even after we got to Maui she kept talking about the "baby". I am so happy that I got to catch up with Amanda, who though I haven't seen her in three years we had no problem getting right back into our groove. (We filled up our camera while we were there so I uploaded the pics onto Snapfish and can't get there on the blog.)
After our time with the Moores we headed over to wedding central (aka Maui). One little hop, skip, and a jump and we were there. Our condo was superb offering a nightly show of colors as the sun set over the mountains and ocean...not too shabby. We spent everyday with the Maupin family, from playing on the beach to snorkeling with the sea turtles, our time with them could not be beat. The wedding was a wonderful success with a beautiful, blushing bride and a glowing groom. And we all made it through without too many tears. Gorgeous.
While it was sad to leave paradise, we escaped pre-Flossie only to come home to the threat of Dean. Seriously Mother Nature, give us a break here. We were able to spend our vacation living the high life enjoying the joy of denial and didn't even talk about packing. But here we are, so very much to do, so little time. Our plan is to pack up the truck on Saturday and head out on Sunday afternoon. Wish is luck.
I will post again when I can, but enjoy the pictures and the green eyes of jealousy for now.
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