It rained on 4th of July in Nashville. And I don't mean a little sprinkle, I mean a downpour. Short lived, but lively. And we were all outside. I should start by mentioning that my brother Chris and his family came up from Mississippi and my sister and her kids came over from North Carolina for the weekend. We all planning to go to Crockett Park for the outdoor concert followed by fireworks, same thing we did last year. As we parked the cars, the automated warning system began announcing that lightening had been detected in the area and everyone should seek shelter. There is no shelter, not an option. And the hundreds of other people didn't seem to be bothered so we wandered to a great viewing spot, settled in, and then decided to move the cars. As I was re-parking, I could see the lightening flashing off in the distance and the thunder started. And although the hundreds of others did not mind it, I decided that in any other circumstance I wouldn't allow my children to be outside so this should be no different. None of the other adults agreed, so I took Hailey & Parker, and Carly & Laney to mom and dad's car (the Johnsons weren't there yet) and my mom joined us just because I think she felt bad for me! And there we sat. In air conditioned luxury, for about 30 minutes. Only a few sprinkles fell, so we hopped out when it looked better and found our blankets.
About 5 minutes later, when all the sandwiches were unwrapped, everyone had drinks in their hands, and the roll of paper towels were being passed around, the heavens opened up. We had 3 umbrellas, one of which was Hailey's Dora umbrella.

This picture was a total mission on my part! Bryce does not enjoy photos- such a boy. I had to threaten posting a worse shot on facebook to get him to smile at me.