Friday, October 31, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Second Time Around
Hailey and River Get Down
The video is a little dark, sorry. Hailey and her best friend River were shakin' their money makers last night. America's Got Talent!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Still Groovy
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Pictures Galore

Today we visited Walden Farms for our annual pumpkin patch visit. With visions of last year, we didn't expect much (last year there had been a huge drought so there was no corn for the corn maze, very few pumpkins, lots of dry hay, etc, etc). Boy were we delighted to find this little gem. Hailey had so much fun she could hardly contain it. There was the mini hay maze, the corn maze, the hay mountain, animals to feed, corn in the sand box, and pumpkins GALORE! AND she let me put her hair in pigtails so she was totally the most adorable girl there. Top it all off with sunshine and 65 degrees, it was perfect.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Its raining, its pouring, man I WISH I was snoring!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Let me start by saying how happy we are to be home. I have slept so soundly in between feedings the past two nights, it has been glorious! Nothing like a hospital pull out couch to make you appreciate the comfort of your own bed! Parker obviously agrees.
Now a recap of the past couple of weeks I have gone without blogging...
My friend Kerri from work came to visit and brought a delicious lunch. Parker snuggled away and Hailey entertained. We are so lucky to have made such good friends here in Nashville!
We have all been keeping a close eye on the election and watching the many debates. After thinking it over, Parker has decided that all politicians are full of bologna (you know its ridiculous that I just had to sing the Oscar Mayer song to spell that right!) and all the debates in the world won't teach us anything if no one decides to be honest. Nonetheless- GO OBAMA!!!!
We found out at the hospital that Parker is now 10 lbs 2 oz! The boob juice is clearly doing its job as his rolls have started to fill in. He has started to really enjoy lounging in his boppy- man I love that pillow.
As the embodiment of Ariel, this Halloween is going to rock!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Forgive me, I've been busy
We were allowed to leave before the 48 hours was up as I promised that as a nurse I would surely know if my child suddenly became REALLY sick and under the condition that we would return should anything suddenly appear on his blood or urine cultures. I did not receive that terrible call so I am assuming that no news is good news and that our little man just has a cold.
We came home last night and upon our arrival I started feeling terrible. Chills, body aches, queasy stomach. I figured it was just because I was so exhausted so I left Jona with the kids and went to bed. Unfortunately, Parker was grumpy and wanted to eat every hour so there was no real rest for the weary until 7ish when I ran to the bathroom to toss up my guts and everything I had eaten all day. Joy of joys. Its tough to breastfeed when you really want to barf. My upset stomach lasted through the night but seems to be better now. Parker is blissfully snoozing in his boppy and Hailey is napping (or at least she is being quiet!). And I am going to pay bills :)
I will put pics on later- I promise.