So, so much for a "scheduled c-section". Mr. Parker Daniel Maupin has a mind of his own and he is not afraid to use it!
After being given the boot on Monday, we allowed as how another week for the little man to grow was not such a bad thing. We were able to get some last minute items and spend time with Gammy without the complete exhaustion that comes with a newborn. We were cruising along, happy as can be, growing, kicking, hiccuping our way through the week until I woke up to go to the bathroom at 2:30am, Friday morning. Just couldn't stop going...and going..and going. Yep, water is broken, free trip to the hospital. On our arrival things moved rather rapidly. The midwife came in to check me, the radiologist came in for an ultrasound to confirm that he was still indeed footling breech, and from there it becomes a bit of a blur. Apparently they don't mess around with women in labor carrying footling breech babies. All at once there were 8 people in my room talking to me about anesthesia, c-section risks, taking my history, starting my IV, giving Jona his OR gear...WAY overwhelming. They wheeled me into the OR, did my spinal (which is an experience I hope to never repeat and certainly don't want to relive here on my happy blog), strapped me down, draped me up and made the first incision. This was when I thought it might be a good idea to remind them to get Jona. Darn good thing I mentioned it because he had been forgotten! Anywho- after what I swear was nothing more than the blink of an eye, Parker was here- FOOT first! Jona got to watch them pull him out and see him cry and you could see it on his face, the instant love. The transformation really is amazing.

September 5, 2008 at 6:19am
8 lbs 2 oz 20.5 inches

Parker is superb. He is an absolute clone of his father, even more so than Hailey I think. And he is covered in blonde fuzz.

Hailey is madly in love with him and wants to help with everything. I fear that as time progresses I am going to frequently find Parker naked in the throws of having his diaper changed by his big sister. Mickey Mouse was also delivered without incident and Hailey is recovering quite well. No pain meds for her. But don't think she is all crunchy granola- she is NOT breastfeeding but has instead opted to give Mickey the bottle. Good call I think!

Gammy is here until Sunday and is getting in as much snuggle time as possible. She has been a godsend, making sure Hailey is taken care of and having fun, cooking, cleaning, and all in all being the wonderful mom and Gammy that she is. Thanks mom, I can't tell you how blessed I feel to have you here.
Parker is adjusting to being home like the laid back little man I hope he turns out to be. Other than believing he needs to be nocturnal, and thinking that if he is awake it MUST be time to eat again, we are doing incredibly well.

He is quite the lover of bath time. I had to wash his hair yesterday because it was getting oily from all of us touching it. He sat back and let me wipe him down and wash his hair and he never made a sound. I very vividly remember Hailey screaming bloody murder with every bath time until she was 3 months old, (I'm sure you remember too Auntie Kimmie!) so this is a huge improvement!!
I feel really good. I have surprised myself with my recovery, doing much better than I expected. I was up and walking as soon as they let me and all my systems seem to have bounced right back into working order. Knock on wood nearby please :)
So here we are. A family of four. And there is no doubt that we are blessed beyond measure. I will try to post new pics when I can, but my computer time is currently limited- I'm sure you understand. Hugs and love to everybody and thanks for all the happy birthday wishes and support!