Its a...BOY!!!
Yep folks, that's right, the Maupin clan is expanding by one very tiny but totally adorable little man!

The ultrasound was great. It was the same lady who did my scan at 6 weeks and she was very nice and informative. Explained everything she was doing and even switched over to 3D mode for us at the end which was AMAZING!

He is measuring just what he should, weighing in at a whopping 13oz! Its amazing that little person can grow in my belly and kick me hard enough for me to feel it. Very, very cool!

This is the proof of his manhood, which I'm sure will totally mortify him later in life that I posted that on the internet! You are looking at his two legs (top and bottom) and that extra manly appendage in between ;)
So we are officially accepting name suggestions of the boy variety. Bring it on. Hailey is already excited about her little brother, although now that she has seen pictures she is angry at me because she can't have him RIGHT NOW. We'll see how she feels when he really arrives.