Wow. It has been over a month since I last blogged. How terrible of me. We have had quite a few house guests and a tornado scare since then.
First Uncle Ricky and his good friend Boris came to visit for the weekend. It was so fun to have them here and to finally meet Boris after hearing stories about him for so many years. It was a whirlwind visit, but we all had a great time together. The boys hit the town on Friday night and Saturday Jona stayed home with Hailey and I got to go out. Geez, we really need a babysitter! I think Rick and Boris had fun and were impressed by all our music here in Nashville. Hopefully that means they will come back!!
The next weeking the Walshs came into town. Manus was willing to put Malinda and Katie on loan so they stayed with us for the weekend while Manus and his parents stayed downtown. It was so fun to see how big Katie has gotten since we moved. She is a beautiful little girl who smiles all the time and cuddles like a master!
Hailey quite liked her, but had a hard time sharing her space and her toys. Of course, as soon as they left Baby Katie was all she could ask for! We met the gang downtown for dinnner Saturday night where Hailey was lucky enough to sit next to Nana Kay who was quite taken with our blonde haired beauty. They played and danced and hugged and kissed and now every time we look at Katie's blog Hailey loves to see pictures of Nana Kay and talk about seeing her again.
This past Tuesday night we had quite a storm blow through TN. I'm sure you have all seen the pictures of the devastation, mostly west of us. We were very lucky. Our area did get some heavy storms and some hail but no tornados thankfully. I was at work and Jona and Hailey were snuggled together in our bed just in case they needed to hide in the closet. It never did come to that, in fact the storm woke Jona up but Hailey slept through the whole thing. Please keep our Tennessee neighbors and all those effected in your thoughts and prayers.
Ok, theres a little update to hold you over for now. I'll try to do better. Hugs to all.