Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Friday, November 23, 2007

Happy Turkey Day

I am so behind on my updates, sorry. Life has been a little crazy. Jona left for Mexico and my parents arrived to help with Hailey and to spend Thanksgiving with us. There are no words for how helpful they have been! Last weekend we all drive to Mississippi to visit Chris Perrin and family and while we were there Hailey chose to share her latest daycare bug (for her it was double ear infections) with everyone. Lots of tissues flying around and the constant noise of coughing children...a lovely time together, really :) Gammy got it first and still has the constant throat tickle, but Grampy got hit the hardest with pneumonia. Yep, thats right folks, I said pneumonia. See if they ever come visit us again! So we've been a snot filled bunch!

I worked Thanksgiving, so we just did our turkey day today. Gammy fixed quite a feast and Hailey is quite the fan of turkey smothered in gravy...and I mean floating in it. I am ready to fall sound asleep on the couch but I wanted to share the latest pics first. Let the holidays begin!!

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Late Halloween Entry

I forgot to talk about our pre-Halloween adventures in my last post. The Sunday before Halloween we went to Gentry Farm which advertised it's pumpkin patch and 4 acre corn maze as the best in Nashville. Apparently they hadn't updated their ads post summer drought-please note the dead corn and lack of pumpkins. Sad, sad, sad times had fallen on Gentry Farm, but they had no problem with charging us to get in and go on the hay ride that involved NO hay and a few cows for our viewing pleasure. Not the best Sunday outing thus far.

So we bought our pumpkin at Publix and carved away. Hailey loved it and dug right in. We went with the cat theme for its face and for our first pumpkin I think we did a pretty darn good job.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Happy Halloween

There have been major developments since our last posting. Hailey started school two weeks ago and loves it! From the very first day she took over the joint and is now queen of the classroom. Her teacher loves her and there has not been a single tear shed over being left there. Apparently she really was ready. She asks everyday if she is going, and Jona says when he drops her off in the morning he can barely even get a kiss good-bye! Such a big girl. She is only there part time, but of course by the third day she already had a snotty nose...taking her antibodies!!

Halloween was great! Hailey was a kitty cat and thought she was pretty hot stuff when we trick or treated in our neighborhood. Of course, the best part was not the candy, it was the fact that almost every house had a puppy or kitty in the doorway, one even had a Great Dane- it was tough to pull her away.

I started work and can't decide if I'm going to like it or not. The hospital is very small and has a totally different feel from my last job, which is both a good and bad thing. I am in the newborn nursery, so I don't really get to work with moms as much anymore and I do miss the education part of things. We don't have neonatologists in house, unlike in Miami, so we the nurses are pretty much the be all and end all for the newborns. That both excites and terrifies me with every delivery I attend. I guess only time will tell which emotion wins out.

Jona leaves for Mexico in 4 days. He will be gone for a month to a town with no phones, no cell service, and no internet. Its going to be quite an adjustment for all of us and he is already dreading how much Hailey will grow up in that short amount of time. He is trying to convince me not to teach her anything new while he is away...don't think that's going to work out for us :)

Fall seems to have finally arrived. Our days are lovely and the leaves are starting to change. Hailey and I went on a walk this morning in Radnor Park and although this time we only saw one deer (the first time we saw 13!), it was still fun to have to wear our coats and have chilly fingers. Gammy and Bampa arrive next week and we're supposed to have our chilliest weather yet...I'm sure Dad will love that!

So, that's the skinny from Nashville. Hugs to everybody!!